Tuesday 19 February 2013


      The last time we saw Miss Blews she had just released her last album and was on a high: winning countless awards, touring the globe, headlining festivals and was even engaged to the lead guitarist of her band, Prosthetic Head.
   After the break up of her engagement and band, we heard nothing from her for a year."I went through a really tough time" Tiffany tells ROUGE, " I had just found out Mike [Dexter, her former fiancé] had been sleeping around and it completely destroyed me."
But she couldn't escape him. "I had to stick with it for the sake of the band and the fans, but touring with him nearly killed me."
  She finally escaped from the band in 2011 after Prosthetic Head's last tour.  "I knew it had to be me that left. He was the founder and had been friends with the other guys for years." She explains.
When she left she didn't know what to do. "I was out partying with friends until the early hour of the morning,
drinking non-stop. Even when I wasn't out I would drink all night. The lowest point came when I collapsed at a club and needed my stomach pumped... That made me realise things needed to change."
   Tiffany went to rehab and recovered with the support of her close friends and family. "Music was the only thing I'd ever loved doing or been any good at. I wanted to get back out there."
But it would be difficult. She'd never been on her own before as she'd always had her band to back her up. "I got in touch with some old friends in the industry, called in a few favours and such. Within a few months I had some tracks and was signed up to a new record label."
  Through the social media sites Twitter, Facebook and YouTube she managed to publicise her new sound and gained a lot of attention from old fans and new ones. "All the support I got was incredible. I was the happiest I had been in a long time."
   Before long she was back on her feet and now she's better than ever -with her new album and plans for a tour later this year. "My new album is dedicated to all of the people that have helped and supported me. Its now my own style, as I haven't had the help of bandmates. I truly think its the best work I've ever done. I'm glad to be back."

TiffanyBlews' album, COLD WAR, is out later this month.

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