Thursday 31 January 2013

Mast Head Ideas

   I have decided on the name 'Rogue' for my magazine, and have chosen a selection of fonts that will pursue my genre of an alternative rock and punk as they are all fonts which appear to be distorted and untidy. 

    I like this font because it is clear and bold. The way the letters seem to be ripped out portrays anarchy and not following conventional rules. The thick black outline contrasts with the white lettering which makes the name seem as a statement, so will be likely to stick in the readers mind and cause them to remember it next time they wish to purchase a magazine.

  This font has a unique design that would differ it from other magazines of the same genre. I like how the white at the bottom cuts up the black, making it alternative and appealing to the audience of the magazine as it is very unconventional. However, I fear that it does not stand out enough, and would be tricky to see in a magazine rack.

I like how this font looks corroded and distressed, emphasising the type of alternative music that will be featured in the magazine. The font is interesting, and so would gain interest of potential consumers as, like the other fonts, it is unconventional so would gain attention. However, I am aware that the font looks as though it would appear more to girls than boys, whereas I wanted my magazine to be unisex.

For 'Rogue' I will use the first font for my masthead, as I believe that it will appeal more to my target audience than the others.

1 comment:

  1. You've picked 3 great fonts.I think the one you've picked will look particularly effective. It fits the genre perfectly.
