Friday 22 March 2013

Draft Evaluation Question FIVE

How did you attract or address your audience?

    Masthead: I used reflects my genre as it has a very 'rock' feel. The letters are distorted and seem as though they have been ripped up, so the magazine would stand out on a rack and make the name more memorable, as they would associate distorted letters with my magazine. The capitalization makes the name very declarative as it is telling the audience the magazines name, what genre it is, and it is almost ordering the audience to purchase it.

   Image: The female artist on the cover would appeal to females reading the magazine as they would see her as inspiration in the rock community. Not many artists in rock magazines are female, so they would look up to her as a role model in the music industry. She would appeal to males as she is attractive, and therefore they would buy the magazine as they could want to find out more about her. The facial expression of my model is looking right into the camera, so right at the audience. This would draw them in and encourage them to buy the magazine.

   Text: The name of the artist on the cover, Tiffany Blews, is in a different font to the other text on the cover. Therefore it will attract the readers attention, making them interested as to why she is important enough to have a different font - so encouraging them to buy the magazine. The font is very feminine, yet still 'rock', so will appeal to the female part of my target audience. The other text is in the font 'impact' so this will stand out on the page, drawing in the readers attention and making them see what else is in the magazine.
Within the text I have included names of other bands that are featured in the magazine. This will persuade fans of these other artists to buy the magazine, increasing the audience that will be interested in purchasing the magazine.

   Colour Scheme: I used the colours red, white and black as these are gender neutral colours, so are not biased towards either males or females. This would attract a larger audience as they would be less concerned  with whether the magazine was for males or females, so they could focus more on the actual content of the magazine rather than the gender that the magazine is aimed at.

1 comment:

  1. You could also look at mode of address in your article and use of tone/lanaguge features used to intrigue readers.
    have you included inside information/behind the scenes backstage info that your readers would like to know?
    Photos/layout within the contents and article?
