Friday 22 March 2013

Draft Evalutation Question FOUR

Who would be the audience for your media product?

   The target audience for my magazine is unisex, aged 15-26. The age range is small, but I believe that it is the primary group that read rock magazines, therefore it will be the age I shall focus on when producing my magazine. Because of this age range, the audience will be likely to have a disposable income from full time or part time jobs, so they are able to spend money on magazines such as ROGUE. The audience would have an interest in rock or alternative music and would listen to bands such as Fall Out Boy, Seether and My Chemical Romance; all of which are mentioned on the front cover - which would attract this audience to the magazine.

 The colour scheme plays a primary part in the attraction of this audience. My first idea for a colour scheme was pink, black and white - but as I have a female artist on the cover I felt  this would be aimed towards a more female audience. The red, black and white colour scheme would attract both sexes as they are all gender neutral colours, so would not be biased towards half of the target audience. This would mean that my audience would be more focused on the music within the magazine, rather that concerned what gender the magazine is aimed at. 

 The audience would buy my magazine as they would be interested in the bands featured and music news. They would also enjoy discovering and listening to new bands, which I have catered for in the 'Bands To Look Out For' feature in my magazine, mentioned on the contents page. The audience may also like having an input into the magazines they read, so I have included a 'Feedback' section where they can write in to ROGUE, as well as vote for their favourite bands or tracks. The audience would also enjoy going to concerts or festivals, so I included a 'Look Out For' section which contains information on upcoming concerts, festivals and albums that are soon to be released. 

1 comment:

  1. You could write about how you received feedback from your pitch and whether it was positive or nagative and prompted you to change things in the magazine. Did you do any other questionnnaires/facebook/twitter surveys to elicit responses from peers/target audiences?
    Cooment on UK Tribes - what category your target audience fell into and their typical charcteristics.
