What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine?
Bauer Media Group is the institution that I think is best for distributing my magazine. They are a German based magazine but publish both Kerrang and Q magazines, both which have a largely British audience. These two magazines generate a large revenue, suggesting they would be able to invest in a magazine such as ROGUE without there being a financial risk.
Kerrang is a rock magazine that has an audience of around 14+, so is similar to ROGUE in the bands and artists that will be features. Q magazine is more indie, alternative or pop based in its music, but does feature artists rock artists such as Muse or Kings Of Leon.
Both of these magazines have a unisex audience, similarly to ROGUE, and are both prominent magazines within their genre - so Bauer has experience with producing successful magazines and that experience would be helpful in the publishing and distribution of ROGUE.
Comment on price of your magazine and whether it is weekly or monthly in this post too. is this something typical that your readers 'want'? Which shops/online places would advertise and sell your product?