Friday 22 March 2013

Draft Evaluation Question SIX

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

   This was the main program I used to make my magazine. As I had very little previous experience so I spent time in and outside of school learning different elements that would allow me to put together my magazine. I used the magic wand tool to get rid of unwanted backgrounds, the lasso and eraser tool to smooth down the edges of my images. I used the spot healing brush to get rid of blemishes and the sharpen tool to make my artists eyes stand out on the page.
The final magazine was put together on Photoshop by adding layers, text and other images - selecting 'show grid' to make them line up accurately. I also used the pipette tool to make sure I had the same shade of colours across all three pages.

   I have used blogger throughout the creation of my magazine to document my progress - creating posts at each stage of research and planning, inspiration, draft pieces, final magazines, and evaluating my work. This has helped me keep on track with what I'm doing and has aided me in creating a developed and well thought out final design for my magazine.

   For my photos I used a Fujifilm FinePix S4500 in which i used the portrait setting to get flattering images of my model. As it is Fujifilm, it is a camera that takes good quality images that can be easily edited using photoshop. Using the SD card it is simpler to transport the image from the camera to the computer for editing. The images themselves were easy to edit as the camera allows for fine details to be captured and therefore the final images look better from my magazine.

Computer/ Laptop:
   In the process of my magazine creation I used the school computers, my home computer, and a Toshiba laptop, which allowed my to continue making my magazine no matter where I was. I used them for research and the actual making of my magazine. I already had vast knowledge on how to use these, but the programs used in the creation of my magazine were mostly new to me.

   I used this site to create an interesting pitch for my magazine. It allowed me to put music, images and text together in a unique way. I could then put this pitch on my blog and show it to others in order to get feedback on my magazine. It also let my vision for a magazine come to life and aided me in staying on task to create ROGUE.

   I used Google in my research to look at other magazines of my genre across the world. I also used it to find out in depth information about institutions that distribute magazines and find inspirational magazine covers that I can find features from and develop into my own magazine.

Memory Stick:
   This was very useful in helping me transport my work between home and school. It was kept on me at all times so I could easily bring up my magazine on a computer and work on it whenever I had a free moment. It  also let me keep my work safe so I could be reassured that I would not lose any of it.

1 comment:

  1. Did you use any other software/websites such as Flickr ?
